Yes , I am a whore .

They said  --'Take easy "
They said  -'calm down'
They said - 'Stop Talking '
They said -'Sit down '
They said -'Bow your head '
They said-'Keep on crying .Let the tears roll '

What you should do in response ???

I stood up .
Stood  right up .\
Held my back straight
Held my head high
I spoke  my mind .
Spoke loudly .

I screamed

I screamed  so loudly 
So they had to run for cover .
They said , 'You are shameless , why dont you die ??"

When I heard that '' I laughed !
They said ' You have loose character '
When I heard that
" I laughed louder '
Hearing  my laughter . they shouted   even more loudly  .
They said ' You are a whore '

When they said that
' I Just put my hands on my hips
stood and firmly said

' YES ,yes  I AM A WHORE .'
" YES  yes . I AM A WHORE '

They were shocked 
They stared in disbelief' '
They waited to say ,much more 
much more .

Men amongst them turned red and sweat

 And women amongdt them dreamt to be a whore like me 

                                                              (little change from tasleema nasreen's poem)


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