Rituals of romance in life

  Day in and day  out when i meet indian married couples around me , in my formal n in my informal sessions also  . I find one common thing amongst all couples --"-boreness , suffocation  and in the end  once the most passionate relationship  can feel like their loosing heart. "
Getting stuck in long monotonous routine is not new to everyone , life has become so tough, so competetive , so challenging that proving ourselves have become really tough task . Where men and women both working outside , outside work stress and challenges , commuting kills you really , where men is are working hard to  earn money and  women in home -making profession . together give best to family and children but in the process they forget that they need to give best to each=other too .
Why we take each-others for granted ?.

yes , I want to say all my couples clients and friends that busy shedule ,taking care of kids n falling into routine can be death of our romance , if we are not very careful about our relationship.When things like , job , children , parents and money undoubtly important , its not   essential to make time for our own relationships too ??
 Giving away a weekend to get away by ourselves or setting datenights for two of us is not something we are expecting from one-another .

Hugs and kisses and affectionate  touches have almost lost places in our relationships .

SOME POINTS AND TIPS  ( Rituals of love life )

 I jotted down for indian couple who take 'Romance and sex not important word and they dont want to work on them by themselves ,
Sex and Romance is base of any happy married l

ife , in my counselling I found 90 %  conflicts exista because of poor sexual life between couples .

Some tips for couple to heat relationships .-

1) making it a habbit of expressing yourself  , and expressing love by saying " I LOVE YOU "

2)Express your love by kissing your partner . indian dont accept expessing love this way still try
        kiss your partner everyday /
3)  NIGHT out a date with your partner atleast once in a month
4)Give your  partner surprise flower , chocolate or card expressing your love /

5) call up your partner from office or at work   reminding them you love him or her /

6) Flirt with your partner sometime  when in store or shopping mall
7) Express your romance by saying 'How sexy and seductive he or she is luking when he /she gets ready

8)D o some change in your life may be cooking together , gardening together and cleaning together and njoy each others company including physical touches
9) place love-notes for each-other if possible

10) take long-walk when possible .

and Keep your body in shape ,work hard for your own fitness , try to look beautiful , let our wardrobes , t-shirts n swaeters from 80s This can be great way to remind your partner that still your romance alive ,

Its not only about attracting    our  partner , but it is allabout carrying ourselves too .its about we want to take notice of ourselves too .

Again , remember we can not love ourself we can not love others .


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