Sexism behavior and culinary arts

I would comfortable bet that even in  houses of    today's  heterosexual household cities ,women  usually produces food , however progressive we are ,  kitchen is still women's domain.
Even in today's so called life with equal values ,  women who don't cook for children , women who don't cook for families with full of warmth and care are looked at a skance ,
I remember comments my father and brother made when i n my mom used to cook " Cooking is in women's genes ".It's her biological  role to nurture . Men by same argument cant fulfil the same role
"Its just evolution and nothing else" .
 But today at international chef's day we need to ask one question .
"Why hotel industry is then different ??
Why men out number women vastly ??
 sources pin 10:1 .
when activity changed into role how the politics of economics started .

where are biological roles now ??

Where is evolution now ??

How suddenly biological nurturing got into  others genes ???

 So now how come the  hotel industry and culinary schools  professionals are going against the evoluation ??

French    Master  chef  gazebot once said in interview

"Only men have techniques ,discipline and passion that  make cooking consistency an art . there are no women in his kitchen, He said women are incapable of elevating cooking to an art world . OMG what politics for economics ,


It means my son who is enrolled in culinary college can convert cooking into art ,because he is a man , i couldn't because i m  a woman . "No . No Mr chef i couldnt do it not because i am a woman but for me it was a duty , compulsory duty"

 Even celebrity chef sanjeev kapoor has also said  he never cooks in kitchen .(He is professional anddoesn't do the duty of cooking )

Recently in Bangalore at TWB kitchen expo when interviewer asked him

Does your wife allow you to cook ? who is better cook ?

He replied . "Don't ask me second question . As far as cooking at home is concerned, my mother and wife do that daily

I do pitch in when guests are at home . How unintentional sexist behaviour !

my son and sanjeev kapoor and all chef's are doing professional role but we  women did activity of duty .This is the only difference , and nothing else , not only hotel industry , but in culinary schools also in spite of  fast changes glass-ceiling is intact .

Yes . its true , it is extremely difficult to be chef , especially because of long working hours and in stress , and pressure ,and it is assumed that women cant cope up with this life-style

WE really need to understand this unintentional sexism behaviour that women can't brave the odds of culinary profession .

 Actually women can make great chef because multi -tasking is a way of life for them .They preserve in difficult circumstances  and never , never never give up. They are sensitive to their guests , and staff alike .

Really speaking the day is not far when women chefs will  storm the male bastion and no one will raise an eyebrow upon seeing mostly women chefs in hotels .

 Already some women like Tania ghosh , Maqnisha bhain who are chefs in charge in big hotels like Leela have overcome the obstacle in the rigorous of the hospitality industry and carved a niche for themselves  ..






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